Wednesday, July 26, 2006

ER visit

So I have had a migraine headache for 5 days now.. I have seriously considered driving a screwdriver through my right temple to relive the pain .. Hey anyone have an ice pick? I have looked up lobotomies on the internet .. I am feeling very desperate.. ( it is kind of scary what you start to think about when you feel like you have been ran over by a train . have a full blown circus event going on inside your head and want to vomit every 5 minutes) I can’t hardly function .. So I left work early and headed to the ER for some relief… Ok so I know the importance of the ER and they have saved my ass a time or two.. Maybe three.. BUT MY GOD talk about instant bitch the minute that I walk in the door ….
So I am sitting there with my sunglasses on because the light makes me want to die, I have a “vomit bucket” just incase ..And I can’t really see because of the wavy blinding dots that are in my vision…. GOOD TIMES
4 people came into the room and turned on the lights.. asked me the same damn questions and left.. now I see these people carrying around these little clip boards.. Don’t they write this shit down …?
In the room next to me I have an elderly man that is half deaf and has his TV blaring and the ER folks are screaming at him over the television.. Then he starts to puke… Ok have you seen that show stand by me where the kid starts to puke .. then everyone starts to puke?? Total barfarama that happened to me today.. OH JOY .. So the old man next to me is puking his guts out.. I am puking my guts out in my shallow pink barf bucket.
After about 45 minutes in walks the nurse all happy like and puts in the IV and then gives me some meds for the nausea UMM a little too late lady .. and some pain medication.. Oh did I mention that I am freezing to death in there…. I ask for a warm blanket.. And oh I forgot they are like tissue paper… So I asked her for another.. Well at this point she is acting all pissy so I politely told her “um lady this is your job… it is kind of like the restaurant theory.. If I need a refill then you get me one” BAD CHOICE !! So I did not get my third blanket and nor did I see that nurse again.. Then I got thirsty.. Think that I got a drink .. UM NO… If I was not all drugged up on the pain medicine I would have found her and kicked her.. but unfortunately I was.. Lucky for her !!
So I sit there pissed off as hell and feeling all warm and tingly.. And I still have a migraine.
Moral of the story …. If you have to go to the ER Don’t piss off the nurses and .. Don’t get put in the room next to the barfing deaf guy.


At 4:30 AM, Blogger kona daze said...

Sounds like you need some TLC after that! If you would like a rub down I am availiable 24/7...



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Jurgen Nation
The Art of Time Suckage
The Morning Meeting
Certifiable Princess
Animal Mind
Much a do about sumthin
Alan thinks
Tiny Voices in my head
My reflecting pool
Weapon of mass instruction


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