Tuesday, August 01, 2006


You know the ones I am taking about …. They all need to go ….all of them Example .. I go to the lab today to get some blood work done.. I get there on time and they make me sit and wait .. OK HATE WAITING ..NOT A GOOD WAITER … I can not see these people but I can hear them .. And from what I can gather from listening is that there is a “new girl” and she is being instructed on how to draw blood.. OK …ummm I don’t want her… So they call my name and I go back and I needed 7 tubes of blood taken out.. I don’t want to be there and I am not in the greatest mood … and this stupid, stupid girl tries to make some joke about taking my blood … I WANTED TO CHOKE HER TO DEATH RIGHT THERE AND THEN ……….. it is my damn vein it is my blood and IT IS NOT TIME TO MAKE A FUCKING JOKE !!!
So all day long I looked at people and really listened to them … Did you know that there are so many of you who say stupid shit ! And you really are not funny SO STOP TRYING !!!

What do I find funny??
random shit .. Like take this here picture…
I am sitting on the beach with my sister in-laws…. We look over and HELLO …
There he is … some random stranger … SOUND asleep on the beach and well Hi there Mr. stiffy ..OMG hilarious !!! had to take a picture !! NOW THAT IS FUNNY !!!


At 8:26 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I thought I was kinda funny once...I now stand corrected. You need better days wind, Maybe you should take a vacation or go to a Yoga class?? Just a suggestion...Smile everything will be OK.


At 5:35 PM, Blogger bear said...

what a boner! Remember how his girlfriend was like "Honey...honey...you need to wake up" If that was my boyfriend i would through a blanket over him....PERV!!!

At 9:48 AM, Blogger chollyson said...

I really hate that guy. I don't know why.

At 6:42 PM, Blogger Kuntry Konfession said...

hahahah....makes you think...who really is in charge, eh?


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I am me .. that is all there is to it.

I am Fun, Pushy, Unpredictable, Vain, Confident, Expressive, Patronizing, Pompous, Bossy, Courageous, Romantic, Dramatic, Loyal, Determined, Lofty, Stubborn and Exhausted!!

Read at your own risk and Love it!


Jurgen Nation
The Art of Time Suckage
The Morning Meeting
Certifiable Princess
Animal Mind
Much a do about sumthin
Alan thinks
Tiny Voices in my head
My reflecting pool
Weapon of mass instruction



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