And there goes..... ANOTHER LOAF OF BREAD
Ohhhh……..Delilah.. the giant (pregnant) black house ruling Dane..has resided in our home since she was 5 weeks old.. she was such a sweet thing..
(little background here)
I was looking for a benji dog ... I always wanted a benji dog however, husband wanted a Great Dane. Went to go look at some Dane pups and voila Samson…..
well I could not have it.. I had to have my very own dog to love and play with .. I could not SHARE a dog with my husband ...HELL NO voila Delilah..
.. brother and sister great Danes .. PEOPLE NEVER DO THIS!! it is a bad choice!!
(my husband gently reminds me of this 5 times a day… YOUR damn dog.. ahh my favorite words to hear when there is shit on the floor... and how does he know that it was HER?? Hello!! we have 3 great Danes in this house and 2 cats .. ok so I am pushing it on the cats they could never make a pile of shit like that !!)
Anyhow we became great Dane fanatics and now I consider myself a fountain of knowledge on Danes. Except on the topic of how to keep a loaf of bread in the house for longer than 10 minutes. Maybe I am just too damn stubborn to put my bread in the fridge .....cold bread ewwww !! and if I put it in the cupboard then the whole family walks around and says “ where the hell is the bread”? it is an endless cycle !!!
Ohh …did you say get a bread box?? Gee there is an idea !~ I can not seem to keep a loaf of bread for more than 15 minutes because (MY dog god damnit !!) aka Delilah can eat an entire loaf of bread plastic included in less than 5 minutes !!
One day I will get this on film .. but she is so damn sneaky you see.. she never, ever does it when I am around, but she plots and scopes out the counter top for possible treats as she salivates all over the kitchen floor, just waiting for the moment that I walk out of the kitchen .
It is an endless battle and My dog god damnit !! aka Delilah is winning See look at her .. She is plotting right this very moment .....
Oh Delilah, you so pregnant!
Perhaps you could put the bread on top of the refridgerator. The family is retrainable most of the time. I don't know if Delilah could still get up that high or not. It could be a hopeless cause, in which case, I'm sorry for that.
Ok first of all, when I spend so much time cleaning up after YOUR dog and all her GINORMOUS piles of shit, I have begun to recognize the different fecal matters as compared to that of other animals that live in our home...
And second of all I don't godamn you or your dog five times a day and I do clean up and take care of her as well as the other animals with a smile many times over and over. I guess I should be more happy about the whole thing.
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