Saturday, October 28, 2006


What the hell is a Meme?? Oh well here is my latest ...

1. What kind of shirt are you wearing?

Tank Top

2. Would you kiss anyone on your blogroll?

Hell ya

3. Do you have a "thing" for anyone on your blogroll?


4. How many people on your blogroll do you know in real life?


5. How many kids do you want to have?

I have 3 kids no more thanks

6. Do you have a good relationship with your parents?

Yep .. even with the in-laws Ü

7. What name would you want besides the one you have?

The one I got is great !!! Just don’t sing to me is all I ask

8. What did you do for your last birthday?
Good ol’ BBQ

9. What's your current ringtone on your phone?

Bump n’ grind

10. What do you think when you get meme's with missing questions?

Who fucked this up?

11. What were you doing at midnight last night?

Reading in bed

12.Where is the furthest place you've ever called to talk to someone?

Was in Florida and Called hubby in Hawaii … God I missed him

13. Do you like having your hair pulled?

Yep …In the right situations

14. Name something you CANNOT wait to do?

I’m impatient…I CANNOT wait to do most things

15. Last time you saw your dad?

About 2 weeks ago Need to visit again SOON

16. What is one thing you wish you could change about your life?

To be healthier

17. What is your favorite board game?


18. Do you have a pimp name?

Ummmm not the last time I checked ..

19. Have you ever talked to Tom (from MySpace)?

Who the hell is Tom?

20. What's the last thing you ate?

Pepper jack cheese

21. Favorite month?


22. Least favorite month?

February (Tired of the snow by then)

23. What's the last piece of clothing you borrowed from anyone?

A fancy pair of boots

24. Who's getting on your nerves right now?

Who isn’t on my nerves ?

25. Most visited Web page?


26. Do you ever sleep in the nude?

Nope Hate when my boobs touch my arms .. T shit’s for me

27. What is the strangest thing you have in your purse or wallet?

Home phone (total accident)

28. Last person to make you sad?


29. Would you help your best friend fight if he/she is losing?


30. Coke or Pepsi?


31. Do you have a crush?

Shit I still in high school ?? Yes I have a major crush on my hubby

32. Have you kissed or been kissed by anyone in the past week?



At 3:02 PM, Blogger chollyson said...

Lucky. I wish I could say I had been kissed by someone in the past week.


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I am me .. that is all there is to it.

I am Fun, Pushy, Unpredictable, Vain, Confident, Expressive, Patronizing, Pompous, Bossy, Courageous, Romantic, Dramatic, Loyal, Determined, Lofty, Stubborn and Exhausted!!

Read at your own risk and Love it!


Jurgen Nation
The Art of Time Suckage
The Morning Meeting
Certifiable Princess
Animal Mind
Much a do about sumthin
Alan thinks
Tiny Voices in my head
My reflecting pool
Weapon of mass instruction


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