Look at this photograph…..
Last night as I was sorting through boxes trying to decide on what to move and what to throw away, I came across a box that was in the storage under my stairs that was FULL of pictures that I have not seen for over 5 years… I took the box upstairs and started to look through them..
4 pictures of ex boyfriends and a Junior high ID of my very first boyfriend. Boy did I think that I was soooo in love. What the hell was I thinking? It is amazing as I looked at those pictures of my ex’s I truly wondered what I saw in these men/boys? What was it? Some of them broke my heart others, I broke there’s. I wonder what it would have been like if I would have met my husband sooner? Would we have worked out? Would we have been one of those couples that meet in elementary and marry later on in life? I sure could have saved myself a lot of headaches and heart breaks. Then I think of the two wonderful children tha I have and the awesome boy that he has and think that it is meant to be that we met later than sooner.
Pictures of my Father. Now this is different that my DAD. I have a few pictures of my father and as I was looking through them it was like looking at someone else’s pictures. No feelings. Don’t know him.. wont know him …and really am ok with it.
Pictures of my children.. I guess that as I live life day to day doing my stuff I forget just how fast my kids are growing up. Dear god my son is going to graduate in 5 years!! My daughter some how went from being a cute snuggly baby to a 17 year old with attitude??!! What happened .. I have to remind myself that she is really 10. I think back and wonder how did I do it ?
Pictures of my DAD .. Now he says that I am the reason that he is loosing/lost his hair and I am beginning to believe it. I found a picture of my mom and dad on there wedding day and HE DID have a lot of hair!! But to tell the truth I think that he looks better without it! I am sure it can get cold, but it is very distinguishing. I saw pictures of him and my kids together just being the cool grandpa that he is and it made me feel lucky to have such a amazing dad !
Pictures of my Mom. Now my husband has seen pictures of my mom when she was younger and exclaimed “your mom was HOT” a couple of years ago one of my husbands friends came over to my mom and dads and hung out.. later on that day my husbands friend went on and on about how HOT my mom is.. ok had to draw the line .. she IS MY MOM … GOD.. let’s just hope that these HOT genes will come to me … SOON
And yes people still ask if she is my sister ……
…pictures of my mom being a cool grandma .. I am damn blessed to have her in my life.
Pictures of me and my husband.. god we looked so young and it really was not too long ago when we started dating.. He is just as sexy as ever.. He is a work of art to me. He is so damn smart and I am jealous of it. He is damn fun to be around. I find that I laugh with him more that I laugh with anyone else. That is what I loved about him in the beginning and still love to this day. I love how he curses everyone when he drives, saying that everyone else is driving JUST to piss him off. I love how he sings the wrong lyrics to songs, how his forehead wrinkles, how his hands are always warm, ok so I could go on and on.. I am a damn lucky girl …
As I look back on my life ... and the people that I love ... I know in my heart that I am truly blessed.
It was all of those ex's that got you to the point where you could see all of those star qualities in your husband. without that aging, that 'mellowing' processes, you might have missed some of the essential ingredients.
I agree with your husband, those mutherfuckers are out to piss me off on the road, and they shouldn't be allowed to live much less drive.
And finally, you would NOT believe how much HOTTER looking you got when they took your appendix out. Miraculous, wasn't it!
Mmmm...your husband sounds a lot like someone else I know.
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