My week in a nut shell
Tuesday all damn day
I had this terrible pain on the right side of my stomach .. well it started by my belly button.. then made it’s way towards my side and around my back .. at work I tried to have all of my co-workers diagnose me … well I was not quite satisfied with the diagnosis from my fellow co-workers so I went to the ER.. after an ultrasound, 2 damn bottles of that nasty shit they call barium ( NASTY NASTY SHIT) for my CT scan.
7 hours later in comes the doc and says well we are not sure what is wrong with you .. looks like there is some strange kind of mass in you abdomen here is a prescription for pain meds go home and rest if you don’t feel better come back ..
Wednesday 2pm
I still fee like shit so I go back to the ER.. they hook an iv up to me give me pain meds 4 hours later they send me home with a phone number of a surgeon and they tell me that I have an appointment with him tomorrow at 10:30
Thursday 10:30 am
I go to said scheduled appointment with the surgeon . Surgeon looks at me feels my stomach for 2 minutes tells me to sit up and head straight for the ER because I need my appendix removed ASAP
At 12:30 pm I had my appendix removed
Spent Thursday night in the hospital trying to recover.. am I the only one who cant seem to sleep in the hospital?
Friday 10:00 am
Come home from the hospital, get prescription filled, sleep
Saturday 8 am
Coughed so hard that I made my incision come open and bleed HOLLY SHIT owwiieeee slept some more stomach feels like it is full of rocks
7pm here I sit all medicated and wanting to get better .. how damn long will this take …
Stupid appendix ….
Oh wow, good thing you had an appendix - why you ask - I went through basicly the same scenario 4 weeks ago. Cat scan pictures and report had a lot of stuff and also the line - we could not find an appendix, doh --- what was the scar for on my abdomen - yes appendix went out some time ago. Still waiting for the correct diagnosis of my not constant pain - it takes forever. I hope your appendix wound will heal properly. Thanks for the story!!
correction: not constant should have been now constant, just a bit of a difference :-)
I couldn't sleep in the hospital after surgery either. I had a broken arm between the elbow and the shoulder. I was on the operating table for three hours, and they put a drip of morphine in my IV, Didn't matter. Wide awake. I ended up walking the floor until they sent me home.
Then I went to sleep. As far as I'm concerned, you're normal.
I hope you are feeling better, girl. Miss ya at work.
After my major abdominal surgery I couldn't sleep period, and I kept throwing up so bad from the painkiller that I tore my stitches too. But I have wicked awesome scarring to show off now!
Feel better sweetie, and now is the time to milk this for all it is worth.
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