So, How U doin’?
How am I doing you ask?? Um..... temp of 101 for two days now and that thing that once was my belly button is ON FIRE ~!~
So I called the doc and told him that I think that I am about to catch on fire at any moment and that my belly button is an inferno.. like the pit of HELL ......"come in at 2 pm today" he says.
So I go see the doctor today and tell him where it hurts and then he PUSHES ON IT !! why 'oh why do they do that ?? W H Y ????
If I tell you that my belly button hurts that means that it HURTS and DON'T touch it !!! I do not understand this .. are they trying to see if it REALLY hurts ? like I am lying ? I know that they have a job to do but my hell !!!!!
This doctor that I went to is a fantastic doctor but I had to tell him that this is not an OK thing to do to me.. EVER .....If I tell you that it hurts then you need to believe me Mr. Doctor. We now have an agreement.
So he sent me to have a white blood cell count and to get a prescription of keflex and he will see me on Monday.
So folks THAT is how I am doing !!
Wish that I could tell ya all a thrilling story about me taking a week adventure to the Amazon to learn some tribal rituals.. However, Here I sit at home ON FIRE and not in a sexy way !!!
I didn't like it either. I think they know you're healing when you stop threatening to kill them.
Your belly button will go back to normal, but it will take about twice as long as you think. Do not let the bastard doctors brush you off until you find out why your belly button hurts.
Seriously? Why is your body rebelling?
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