Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Can I barrow your snorkel ?

I just bought BBC’S “blue planet” series on DVD because
~I am a dork
~Anything that is underwater fascinates me !!

As I was watching last night I began to think of the things that I don’t necessarily love under water

Jelly fish …. They are beautiful ….from far away .. I think that if I was to be stung on the leg instead of the face I would love them a little more… but a tentacle across the face puts a damper on things

Minnows … I hate em’ I was just trying to pee in the lake and I was seriously attacked by 90 starving minnows ..serious… bastards

Carp … There is no love for carp .. they are just plain gross and grow to disgusting sizes and have you seen their mouths ? I just know that one will grab on to my big toe and suck me down to the depths of the local lake here.

See thru skinniness .. in Hawaii there are these fish that swim on the very surface of the water.. they have never caused me any harm however, they swim right into your forehead and it is a bit disturbing.

Sea urchins… beautiful amazing …but the second you step on them ….. dear god … they really do hurt ~~

Under the water is an amazing place to be… I have seen some stunning (no pun intended) things and am amazed by the beauty of it all..

I need to move to the coast of somewhere so that I can spend more time underwater and less time watching it on TV ….

Floating in the tub on my belly is not doing it for me anymore Ü


At 9:42 AM, Blogger The CEO said...

Can you say 'scuba diving for lobster off the East Coast of Florida'? I want to do that.

At 9:45 AM, Blogger MJ said...

me toooooo !! Let's go

At 2:56 PM, Blogger mist1 said...

I don't think snorkels are the kind of stuff you should share. Would you borrow my toothbrush or my used Q-Tip? Surely not. You have to get your own snorkel. Sorry.

At 2:57 PM, Blogger mist1 said...

Oh, and bring me back a lobster. Thanks.

At 1:39 PM, Blogger M@ said...

Floating on your belly in the tub? You're quite a character....

At 2:38 PM, Blogger chollyson said...

I am not so much for the underwater stuff altogether. The whole sorta freaks me out.

At 8:37 AM, Blogger Steven said...

I have a heard enough time dealing with being on land.

I'm gonna stay out of the ocean. ;)


At 7:04 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hello fellow nerd. I'm working my way through a Napoleon DVD series. right now.

At 9:59 AM, Blogger velvet said...

I love underwater films! I don't want to live anywhere that isn't within a two hour drive of the ocean. I just can't.

But I agree with you that there are some things that I don't like in the ocean, like horseshoe crabs when you try to swim at night. Ick.



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