I will be taking a mental health vacation Feb 12th- the 23rd…. If you need me .. I will be on the 5th floor of my local hospital…… having a nice conversation with myself and my imaginary friend Lucy.
I will be leaving comments because I just cant get enough of your guys !!!!
Helpful tip: The Quiet Room is a good place to unwind by yourself.
By "local hospital" I hope you actually mean a bar in Hawaii. May I recommend Lulu's?
Dude, are you kidding me?
Sounds like a relaxing time to me. Say hi to Lucy for me. ;)
Not so helpful tip: You don't get anything comfy in the quiet room. Unless you like cold linoleum floor I recommend rehab. You get good food and great beds there. Just make sure you fake a realistic addiction that is curable in under a month, like, licking stamps or something.
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