Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Still not feelin' better

I am so fucking frustrated I can’t see straight. I in no way want to turn this into my trauma/surgery/pain blog but sadly this is what it is becoming.
I had surgery 25 days ago. I returned to work 2 weeks after surgery .. what the fuck was I thinking ?…..
About 8 days after surgery I actually started to feel better. I could feel my body healing. I could tell that I was on the mend .. Not any more , now I am at a point where I fucking hurt.. It hurts to walk , sit, sit up, cough, laugh, sneeze and sex… NO , It seems like I am going in reverse. It is depressing as hell. The doc told me 15 days ago that in 10 days I should feel 100%. Well guess what doc.. I feel like shit.. still …..
When I had my appendix out the recovery time on that was slicker than snot and was back to my normal bitchy self within 3 weeks… shouldn’t I start feeling better? 25 days should be plenty of time.. My stomach is so damn tender that I can barley touch it.. it is all fat and bloated.. I am not feeling sexy …not at all.
I don’t know if I should go to the ER or not. Most of the time they just look at me all bewildered and say that everything looks normal .. then after I return to the ER 3 or more times… THEN they discover something and it is a huge rush to fix whatever is wrong with me.
The last time that this happened .. I waited days and days in pain.. I went to the ER and was told that if I would have waited an hour longer I would have died.. now that is some serious shit… I do not feel as bad as I did back then but I DO feel pretty bad. I have had a temperature that has ranged from 99 to 102 that started 9 days after surgery it was 102.4 yesterday and 101.9 this morning.
I am exhausted, I am tired of putting on my happy face at work, tired of explaining to random people WHY I STILL do not feel better When I do not know myself , tired of NOT feeling better.
I have had 9 surgeries where they cut me hip to hip and And 25 days later could actually feel myself getting better. I am thinking infection but I am not sure… I just don’t know what to do. I have had my fair share of surgeries and know my body well enough to know that something is very wrong here.


At 12:13 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I would go to the ER..

At least they can give you some IV painkillers there...which I would beg for regardless of how I was feeling.

Bloated and feverish is not a great combination healing-wise, though...

At 2:36 PM, Blogger M@ said...

It certainly does have "infection" written all over it, doesn't it?

I'm glad you're still here. What do you do for work? Construction? Jesus.

At 7:54 PM, Blogger WanderingGirl said...

Go to the ER. Stat. And forthwith, too. And by that I mean NOW!!!!!! Make them culture the incision. Get a scan... and MRI or a Hyda-scan that will show infection pockets. Don't take "It's how it's supposed to be" for an answer. Seriously.

Says the wound care specialist PT.

At 9:58 AM, Blogger Robin said...

Speaking as a nurse, with that temperature you need medical treatment...sounds like you have an infection. Can you see your regular MD?

At 3:01 PM, Blogger othurme said...

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At 3:04 PM, Blogger othurme said...

Do what wanderinggirl says. She's sounds smarter than your doctors.

As someone who's been through the medical ringer, you know your body than your doctors do. Your body's probably not being dishonest. If you feel bad, you should go to the ER.

Feel better.


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