Thursday, September 27, 2007

And the award goes to…..

The CEO gave me this wonderful award.. I like it .. It makes me feel happy.. It reminds me of an acid trip I had in the 90’s !! The CEO is one of the nicest bloggers that I know. He knows when I am down (which lately is most of the time) and has a way of helping me see the brighter side of things. Even on my hardest days he can always make me smile. Thank you CEO !!

*Hubby is home … THANK THE LORD… I know it sounds like I am some crazy needy wife but I really am not.. It is just when he is gone a piece of me is gone with him and I am not complete till he is home again. uggggggg Gushy I know.

** Next**

*We got a new mattress last night and it was really hard for me to fall asleep.. I am not a big fan of change in the sleeping department.. I have slept on the same side of the bed for years. I am one of those sleepers that require 9 pillows in order to get a good night rest. I have a ritual every night before I go to bed ..

The following things MUST happen

-Take meds

- Apply chap stick

-Apply hand lotion

-Arrange my pillows

-Re-apply chap stick (it is like crack)

Every time we get a new mattress, the irrational voice in my head REFUSES to stop shouting ummmmmmmmm!!!!! hellllllooooooooo !!!!!! this is not RIIIIIGHTTTTT….!!!!!!! All I could think about was how I missed our old bed, ..'Oh the memories that we shared, all the good times spent on that bed, I felt betrayed, yes we can make new memories…. It is just hard to let go sometimes.

Annywaaayyyy I got about 18 minutes sleep last night. NICE… Thank you new bed…. Thank you

*The cold/virus/spawn of the devil..That has been circling its way around the office like a bad case of the clap… Has made its self at home inside my chest. Little fucker. Oh and did I mention that I am having an endoscopy Monday? And did also mention that I am not allowed to take cough medicine.. or pain relievers… LOVLEY… what I am saying here is that I am just a damn ball of sunshine today.

Have a fantastic Thursday !!


At 4:16 PM, Blogger The CEO said...

Mind reading I learned as a husband. Making people feel good, I learned from Wandering Girl. Have a great day!

At 6:06 PM, Blogger M@ said...

Jesus H. Fucking Christ Almighty In A Bucket, MJ!

Just how often do you have to replace your mattress? Is this like a bi-yearly ritual?


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I am me .. that is all there is to it.

I am Fun, Pushy, Unpredictable, Vain, Confident, Expressive, Patronizing, Pompous, Bossy, Courageous, Romantic, Dramatic, Loyal, Determined, Lofty, Stubborn and Exhausted!!

Read at your own risk and Love it!


Jurgen Nation
The Art of Time Suckage
The Morning Meeting
Certifiable Princess
Animal Mind
Much a do about sumthin
Alan thinks
Tiny Voices in my head
My reflecting pool
Weapon of mass instruction


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