Tuesday, November 06, 2007


It is official .. my gallbladder is no good. I do not have gall stones however, my gallbladder is not functioning like it should and so the GI doctor suggested it to be removed. I meet with the surgeon Wednesday.

For the last two days I have been researching about gallbladder removal on the internet
This is where the internet is NOT my friend…..
The most popular things that I am finding on the internet are things like …….

I gained 50 lbs after I had my gallbladder removed and I can’t lose the weight
I have to shit 5 times a day
My stomach is bloated
I went from a size 6 to a size 14
I barley eat 700 calories and I STILL can’t lose weight
EVERYTHING passes right through me.
DO not listen to your doctor when he tells you that you do not need your gallbladder..

It goes on and on ....

OKOK I know that the internet is full of strange people (like me) that bitch about everything. However, it is quite alarming to hear story after story of rapid weight gain and horrific diarrhea. I feel bad now… However I am not up for feeling worse after my gallbladder is removed.

I am asking you.. My lovely internet friends ……… Have any of you out there had or know of someone who has had their gallbladder removed? PLEASE tell me about it!!!! I am feeling scared… like maybe I should try an alternate before I get my gallbladder removed.


At 4:50 PM, Blogger 100 Thoughts of Love said...

What do you mean "no good"...it either has stones or sludge (pre-stones) more than likely. Get a second opinion. I had mine out...gall bladder issues are very common in women , especially "female, forty, fertile and fat." lol.. that is what my doctor told me. I had stones and the pain was BAD!!!.However if I was you I would get a second opinon. That is true about the pooping...everything goes right through. Might as well order food to go and eat in the ladies room. That doesn't happen to everyone, but to most everyone I know...Get a second opinion! And if you do have it out, eat frequent small meals, never eat fat on an empty stomach!..Nice blog by the way!!..Good luck and hope you feel better!

At 7:48 PM, Blogger The CEO said...

My wife had her gall bladder out in Nov. 1999. We went on a cruise in the Carribean the first week of December. She never had any of the problems you mentioned, or wrote about.

On the other hand, given your doctors, and the hospital experiences you have had, I'd get a second opinion without fail.

At 7:49 PM, Blogger The CEO said...

I'd also check with Wandering Girl, my unfailing, unswerving source of medical information.

At 7:39 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

My friend had her gallbladder removed years ago. She was thin with no potty problems. The only thing that ever became an issue is alcohol. One drink would make her nauseus. Two would have her puking. Jello shooters worked out well though.

Will research and let you know what I come up with.

At 5:30 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

nope, all the stuff I found is really not worth sharing, one thing they all seemed to have in common was that the syptoms they had before surgery kinda stayed after. Get a second and third opinion.


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